Organized chaos
Long day. In early to set up some experiments before going for my green card medical. Basically a license to print money as they don't care what I have if I am here for 5 years on my current visa but become a permanent resident and there is a whole list of disease I can't have.
Nonetheless I find a local civil surgeon (specific immigration certified and not covered by health insurance) with fairly good online reviews. Was pre warned that its an odd surgery but they know their stuff and are very efficient. They were not lying. Felt like I was in 1970's Tehran (or imagine it would be similar) and greeted by elderly receptionist/nurse. In no time they had the tourniquet on and blood for HIV and syphilis (none of which I hope I have) and then skin test for TB (which I also hope is not positive as can be when have BCG in UK). This means more $$$ for chest X-ray to confirm not positive. Return in 48h. Dr is even older geezer but nice. His comprehensive medical involved feeling my shins and wobbling my knees. Apparently in good shape!
Return home to find hummingbird at feeder. It's only been up for 6 months but finally one has found it. Will try and get a blip.
Back to work and end of big experiment which is very time consuming. Decide to set up new experiment (pictured) to do some genotyping. Basically adding the right thing in right tube in right order. None of this sexy CSI science here. Hopefully it's all ok, kind of switched off towards the end.
Boss wanted to talk more experiments after which I begrudgingly accepted. No rest for the wicked!
Off to soccer tonight at 10pm if I can be arsed. We have been promoted a division. But somehow lost players and no goalie against much better opposition. Late finish probably means will be wide awake all night and tired for my lab meeting tomorrow.
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