Daytime hedgehog
All the advice is that if you see a hedgehog out in the daytime, it shouldn’t be out and is likely to be sick. It should be taken to a rescue centre.
I was outside this afternoon and heard the huffing and puffing of a hedgehog. It took me a while to find it, moving along behind one of three hog sleeping boxes. I just managed to film it as it then went into the middle box and stopped huffing. The above four pictures are stills from the video. I phoned a local hedgehog rescue centre and sent them the video. They said that as long as she didn’t stay still he or she seemed fine - and that at this time of year the hog was likely to be pregnant and huffing around looking for the right place to give birth!
Watch this space!
Today’s news has a list of politicians who have claimed their speeding and parking fines on expenses! I wonder if they, having been asked to pay themselves now, will try and get tax relief on what they will have had to pay out. I do like politicians with integrity!
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