These 4 little escapee goats were happily on the road and busy munching everything on the lane verges ! When I stopped in the car they ‘trip trapped’ off into a garden which was much safer than the road but probably not ideal for the house owners !
Another sunny warm day. Gardening , quick trip to the garden nursery ( packed with people and very run of the mill plants ) the stables , dog walking and monitoring my blood glucose . I have a 2 week continuous glucose monitor on to collect data. I’ve been following Prof Tim Spector for years and now I’m a recent convert of the Jessie inchauspie glucose method . So I am excited to finally be experimenting with what gives me sugar spikes and crashes , the aim being to get a personalised understanding of how to keep my glucose levels normal, in order to release energy, reduce cellular information and feel as well as possible. I’ve eaten really healthy today and it’s been grand . Tomorrow I’m looking forward to finding out what a single banana does, I have a feeling that on its own it’s not going to be good . Also on the list is chocolate , grapes and cashews. Will keep you informed !

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