
These are our froglets! They've been transferred into the pool in the garden now: as attached as I'm getting to them I'm getting distinctly uneasy about having things with jumpy legs in a bowl in the kitchen ;) We still have hundreds of tadpoles in the pool in the garden, they're much easier to see now I've cleaned the pool out and put fresh water in! They really went for the bacon bits I dropped in as well, quite incredible to see. I think I managed to stop Bear from attacking them too. The boys loved having the old water to splash in - I gave in and came indoors when they both started climbing into the water. Bear still had socks and shoes on. Oh well.

The main part of the day was taken up with getting ready for and going out to a picnic with some of the church up at Southwater Country Park. Beautiful day but I was in a pretty grumpy mood. Steve cycled to the park and home again afterwards. Glad for chats with friends, hugs, peace and quiet.

Something else I tried yesterday when getting the boys ready for bed was to leave Bear's nappy off for a little while. He's got really good verbal comprehension, so I figured it was worth a try. I suggested weeing on his nappy. "pss pss on the nappy." And he did! He went and stood on the nappy and did his stuff. Literally squeezed a wee out. I had to tell him to be gentle!! Lots of wees on the nappy, one on the chair (he even said "pss pss" hehehe bless him) and then he let me put a new nappy on him. So this evening I left the potty out in the living room for him. And he took to it like a duck to water!! Climbing on and off, doing lots of little wees, happy as anything, properly proud of himself! Quite an effort to get a nappy on him after that though :)

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