Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael


The garden has come alive in the three days we were away - I guess it must have been warm and sunny here too. Most of the rhododendrons are heavy with blossom. Whoever planted them liked hot colours - purple, pink and red predominate. There are several white ones which only serve to emphasise the vividness of the rest. I'd love to know who chose them. The house is about 40 years old, so they could have been here quite a while, and they are all much taller than I am.

Lots of other things are having a moment. I'm particularly pleased with a white lilac which has never flowered well, and had been getting more and more spindly. Last year I persuaded TM to chop out one whole trunk, and reduce the branches of the other by at least half, and now the remainder is a wonderful froth of white.

Quietly, down at the front as you come into the wilder part, this iris has also spread its wings this year. It's one of my favourites. I love the cool blue elegance of it.

Washing and watering were about the sum total of my day. More of the same tomorrow I expect ....

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