Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Silly - but Lovely ...

The last day of our trip to the south-west. We went down to Portpartick - never can resist a harbour - and wandered around for a bit. TM spotted a bakery and I was tempted by a sausage roll - big mistake, it was without doubt the worst I've ever tasted. 

On to the Logan Botanic Garden, looking gorgeous, and after the quiche and salad lunch there I magically forgot the horror of breakfast. Logan has a very mild climate (for Scotland) and eucalypts, palms and tree-ferns flourish there. So do rhododendrons, and one came home with us.

Last port of call was New Galloway. It was having an art festival, but we arrived in the gap between the afternoon and evening sessions. However, I was very taken with the redundant telephone box which has been re=glazed with fused glass. 

Extras are Portpatrick and Logan. Home now. Cats glad to see us. Hope to have a big Blip catch up in the next couple of days.

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