The Burrell

V and I have wanted to get back to The Burrell for ages, it was closed for refurbishment for 3 years and we didn’t travel through Glasgow to Mull any more, now usually stopping with @Xtoph1 in Edinburgh

So after 9am zoom Pilates we were delighted to set out to Pollok Park to meet @Xtoph1 and Sarah there yesterday to take a look at the gallery once again. After lunch in their refurbished (and massively better restaurant) we plunged in. As fans know the glory of the place is two fold, its serendipitous nature, you never know what is in each glass box, sometimes artefacts of staggering age, and the way the huge windows both light the place and frame the art. There’s 30% more items on display than before and something of the randomness has been tempered. But there is a big push on education and inclusivity so the place feels welcome to all ages and backgrounds.

I don’t remember this room before, it had a rainbow of coloured pottery from all history, grouped together and from high above I liked the rainbow on one side, the huge stone arch into the outer gallery and the woodland beyond. Ur Burrell!

After stomping around for a couple of hours (much more still to see) we went for a walk in the woods which was absolutely glorious. Even @Xtoph1 tolerated the odd rhododendron. It’s meant to be a wild park but there are planted areas too. We took a staged portrait of all of us which lurcher Goose kept upstaging.

Parted in the evening and we, desirous of gelato, went via a very pretty gelateria in Broomhill and back to the hotel. Out to a lateish dinner at Ka Pao which was delicious! There and back via Subway of course

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