A day of minor adventures

The first adventure started shortly before midnight yesterday. I was looking for a place to stay overnight in the camper van and discovered the reversing camera (+radio, satnav etc) wasn't working. Backing a campervan without a camera definitely counts as an adventure. When I woke up in the morning it was chilly, about 7°C. I thought I'd pop on the heating and let the van warm up before I got up. Then I found the heating wasn't working, so it was a chilly breakfast. I was actually comforted by the second discovery because when two reliable electrical systems both stop working at the same time it suggests a fuse problem.
The third adventure was meeting a group of new people to learn about berry bushes and practice some pruning of the blackcurrant bushes. (This is why I was sleeping in the camoer van.) We met up at the bushes, were shown around and heard why and how the bushes were here. Then we settled down for a fika (snack) and to get to know each other a little. And that's when today's blip was taken. The sun had come out and the day was warming up but  we all still our jackets on at 10 o'clock. We were shown a few pruning ideas and then we set to sorting out the slightly overgrown bushes. In general we were all far too careful. Our resident expert was lopping off far more than we dared. But they did look a lot tidier when we were done.
As well as pruning we could also take cutting so I reckon that as a small adventure on its own. I came away with two new, for me, varieties of honeyberry, and a pot full of blackcurrant cuttings too.
Early afternoon found me heading home and then looking at the fuse box for the leisure area of the van. I fairly quickly got the heating system and camera/radio/satnav working again, so that was a happy ending to that adventure. They had stopped working because, while working on the door a couple of days back, I'd put the relevant fuse in an adjacent empty slot by accident! You live and learn. As an ex-colleague of mine used to say; We all "learn by doing - wrong!"
The final adventure of the day was the twice-yearly percussion concert in the town theatre. As always wonderful music, a great performance, and very professionally carried out by the ensemble. They come from the upper-secondary school and community college in town, led by a totally inspiring teacher. I'm sure Jan will blip this concert (she has) so I won't write more here.
Tonight, after all these adventures, I'll sleep well.

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