
This small stony bay is close to the beach Smitingen, and to Klubb Lake (see extra). In fact, around 600 years ago Klubb lake was a long sea inlet, a continuation of this bay. However, sometime in the 1600's or 1700's  land rise (isostatic rebound after the ice age) meant today's lake was lifted above sea level and now is around 5 meters higher than the sea.
The day started with me putting on my IT technician's hat because Jan was becoming very irritated by the formatting of one of the documents she was working on. It showed every change ever made right down to added or removed commas! I consulted the oracle (internet) and soon had the wayward document under control. It was weird that the previous writer had left it in that unusable state.
The day moved on to some planting in the garden and then into town to meet Rose for a walk. We'd decided to walk round Klubb lake because it's mostly forested and therefore protected from the chilly gale that was blowing. I like to break away from that path and cover the short distance to the sea but it's a bit of a scramble so I usually do it alone. I think it shows best in the extra picture but the chilly breeze blew in air that was really fresh and clear. A beautiful day to be outside.
Back from our walk we went to one of our favourite restaurants in Härnösand. We found it fairly crowded because there was an event on at the nearby theatre and they were offering a pre-theatre dinner. We weren't going to the theatre but Rose and I took advantage of the offer and ate an absolutely delicious dinner with really tender meat.
A lovely day with lots of good happenings!

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