
After a busy week I had a lazy lie in this morning and sat in bed doing some puzzles for an hour.  I had a few jobs to do, finishing off the tidying and giving the bike a good clean.  P messaged and asked if I wanted to do a picnic after he finished work and that sounded like a grand idea.  I also needed to get some things from the garden centre that I couldn't manage on the bike, so asked him to meet me there and I spent the afternoon walking to the garden centre.

Blip is of the (what I assume) is a building site in Blackwood.  It used to be a field where people would walk the dogs, but around 6 weeks ago some huge trenches appeared, then a fence went up and they've been moving some serious earth.  Chatted to a chap who suggested that no planning permission had been gained for the site yet, so we'll see what it turns into...

I took the path I explored at the beginning of the month past the castle and down into the valley.  It was a really beautiful route and definitley one I'll be doing again.  Barely saw a soul for the whole walk.  Exceptions being a black labrador and her owner who huffed at me because 'she thinks its her path' (the dog huffed, not the owner).  And a group of teenagers who went off path.  Shortly after passing them I heard someone scream, but it sounded more like a "you've thrown a spider at me" scream rather than a "I'm in peril" scream. It did make me wish that people didn't scream for non-serious things as it does make it difficult to know as a bystander whether or not you should intervene.
Got my shopping at the garden centre, got picked up by P and we had a nice eat-random-things-from-Tesco on the edge of Lanark loch surrounded by geese.  Not a bad way to end the week.

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