A time for everything

By turnx3

Beautiful flowers, ugly bird!

I was home in the morning, taking things out of the camper, doing laundry etc. Meanwhile Roger had gone to church for a supposedly short meeting with Kelly our youth minister regarding the upcoming confirmation Sunday, where Roger is “sponsor” to one of the confirmands. That meeting did turn out to be short, however when he went into the office, he was greeted with “ oh you’re here about the flood?!”, in his position as a Trustee. The pre school classrooms are in the lower level, along with the choir room and choir directors office. Apparently, one of the children had used the toilet and flushed it, but the toilet wouldn’t stop flushing! The plumber had been summoned, but the water had spread along the corridor into the choir room, and other rooms, so Roger ended up joining two other people vacuuming up the water and setting fans going, so ended up being gone the whole morning. Once he got back however it was a lovely day, and having spent most of yesterday in the car, we wanted to get out to enjoy it, so we headed to the bike trail, starting from Mathers Mill. Wildflowers and blossom border the trail - today the main ones were Miami Mist, left, Great water leaf, lower right, and the pretty but extremely invasive Honeysuckle, which just takes over, and is extremely hard to get rid of. The rather ugly bird which posed for me on one of the bridges is a Black vulture, marginally better looking than the Turkey vulture, but far from handsome!
By the time we returned to church in the evening for choir practice, things had fortunately virtually dried out.

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