Back o da Auld Haa

Sunny first thing, but clouded over, remained cloudy most of the day.  Windy, calmer tonight.

Early shift in the airport again today, and a busy day on the check-in desk.  Met friend Julie for walkies this evening, and more walkies later.  An evening in the garden.  I didn't get much done in the garden last year, due to the terrible summer, so some of the weeds are well established now.  I will have to make a point of getting into the garden most days, even if it's just for a few minutes.  Feet up now. 

While we were out walkies around the village this evening, we took a detour around the back of the Auld Haa.  The Haa is an old Laird house, built in the 18th century.  It's a beautiful building, and not often viewed from the rear.  I nearly lost Sammy in those weeds.  I have no idea what they are, but they came up to my knees.  The back of the Auld Haa, with Main Street below, Scalloway.  

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