Place: Largo, FL 66/85
Main activity: Thurs - Al, Joe design, Jo video
Notes: Cool night and morning - left the windows open and it dropped all the way down to 74 in here! I had a voicemail that Al left 630a - he was calling 911 to go to the hospital and couldn't take it anymore. The heat came back in even tho clouds rolled in and out, thunder rumbled on by ... I finished Joe's postcard finally and got it ordered from Vistaprint. I heard back from Saundra after texting her yesterday (Al's ex-wife, she had no idea he wasn't doing well). She was able to call the nearby hospital and confirm he's there in the ER and they'd done some tests - nothing further. Headed out then to get a bit more cash - the nearest ATM where I always go had no cash available today (hmmm - interesting to be fascinated/excited by something a bit annoying). I ran into the Publix there since I was so close and got just 2 things then continued west to the nearest bank branch and was able to get the cash I wanted - a cop was sitting there, backed into a spot. It was mostly cloudy then but I headed to the pool when I returned, got in briefly, read a bit in the shade and got some fleeting rays before showering off. Good just to be in the fresh air and not baking. I took the full shower when I got back and made my salad w/ the rest of the quinoa mix and had the wonderful muffin, berries and homemade whipped cream again - so delicious! Afternoon/eve was supp to bring more thunderstorms and we missed the first round but then got the deluge and booming thunder just before 5p! Oh how I love the gray, furied wind, chortles of thunder and cracks of lightning, whooshing rain knocking the heat and steam from the air, sunlight from the skies! Talked to Jo a bit in the evening. Another round of gentler storms came later - so lovely ... Did a little video work for Jo after 8p. Tried calling the hospital around 830p and did get thru to Al - they had just woken him up. He was pretty hard to understand but said the place is lovely and they are treating him well. Another blissfully cool evening and thru the night - didn't have to turn the AC on all day!

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