Melampyrum pratense
Common cow-wheat. A lovely patch of this growing on a path entering the heath. Everyday I seem to spot another wild flower species.
My early start this morning involved a paint brush & green woodstain. I weeded & pruned first though, then finished off staining the slightly rotten picket fencing that hubby had to abandon doing due to balance issues. I seemed to get a fair bit of stain on my legs & arms. It washed off.
A slice of toast, plus second black coffee then down to Mum's to cut back honeysuckle & pyracantha before she was up from bed. Job done, I nipped out to Trago Mills for 9am opening. It's OAP discount day... Whoop! Whoop! A new dog bed for Indie, chicken pellet manure, Tomorite, & 2 rolls of small mesh plastic netting to make some pesky pest protection for the plot.
I walked Indie when I returned. Back to Chudleigh, coffee with hubby, lunch with hubby. Ironing this afternoon... Boring! A couple of sewing jobs ticked off as well. Now watching The Chase, then make dinner. I'm off Nightjar hunting later with Jorgiesmum aka Jan.
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