and me too, at least!
In the morning the mist lifted at ten o'clcok and before the glaring sunshine would make picture taking difficult. I stepted outside and found already a busy world there. I could not easily find the right settings and it tired me. From the book I understand what I am supposed to do but outside in the real world I lack the understanding and am sometimes troubled by the possibilities open to the camera.
Note to myself, I'll ask Mischa to put it on a piece of paper that I can carry with me.
More strange insects on all the plants. And I sometimes wonder why only one leaf of a plant has many holes in it and all the others are still intact.
After some walking and looking around I saw the Rose chafer sunbathing between the white little flowers. I did not want to chase it but when I came nearer she let herself fall between the leaves. Struggled to come to the surface of the white sea and as if offended flew away.
But I saw her later returned from her outing. There are several of these beetles around. And many other to me unknown ones too.
I had a dispute with Piet Hein about a picture I showed him, it showed waterdrops upon the lilac flowers. This was his favourite because I showed something not easily seen. A lot of pondering and now I can show it here.
I am reading now the novel by Irwin Shaw, titled: The young lions. It is about the lives of three young men drawn into the Second World War.
Such a gap between the events written in the book and the simple easy life I live here.

My haiku:

That strange adagium
Eat or be eaten even
In my youth I recoiled

And the proverb:

Beter krullen om het hoofd dan in het hoofd.


It is better to have curls around the head tha in the head.

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