The Fleeting Moment
That is what our observation and our camera can do: capture the fleeting moment which is never quite the same a fraction before or a fraction afterwards.
Just before 7 am this morning, the rising sunshine streamed into my living-room window illuminating a vase of yellow Peonies.
The sun was so strong and bright, that it made the upper petals of the biggest flower become almost invisible. That's the moment that I wanted to capture.
I had taken a big risk on purchasing this bunch of peonies on Saturday. The first beautiful flower was open, but all the other four were in extremely tight bud form. The florist showed me how to remove the dark outer petals (one on either side) to make sure that they would open. I did that, not sure that it would actually work! As you see from the extra, it really did work, except for one bud and the smaller flowers are opening beautifully.
I love the morning sun illuminating my day to come!
Extra: the whole bunch of five peonies
"Take care of the minutes - the hours will take care of themselves."
Lord Chesterfield
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