The Wedding of Kirstin and Chris

Their birth names laid the foundation for this most happy of unions.  Our niece and her new husband do seem made for each other, and long may they prosper together.

The wedding took place in a leafy glade near Stockbridge, Hampshire, the humanist service beautifully conducted by a retired lady teacher from the county with not a dry eye under the wisteria as the happy couple made their vows.

The bevvy of eight brides maids, lead by Siubhan, Kirstin’s sister in her indigo dress, stole all the shows in the photo session!

The speeches, including that by David, the father of the bride, were in turn noble and sensitive honouring generations who have passed and the debt of love and support shared among many of those present.

The dancing was worth a thousand nights on a psychiatrist’s couch, beginning with a Scottish ceilidh before the let-the-hair-down session which drew on everyone’s old and new favourites.

It was the first time all those present from my side of the family had been together in seven years, given covid and far-flung residences including us in Spain and our red-kilted nephew, Layton, in Hong Kong who brought his new fiancée for a first introduction to the family.   She was moved to tears when the McFarlane tartan sash was intertwined with her dress this morning.

My sister, Alexis, looked splendid in her navy and cream outfit and broad brimmed hat, and my younger brother Alastair is beginning to look very like my late father, with just touch of Kevin Costner about him. His own son, Murray, wore a kilt for the first time and they both looked very proud to stand beside each other fully Prince-Charlied up.

It was a splendid occasion and well worth the trip.   The next family wedding is rumoured to be in Bali next year!  A blip in the bag for sure, if we go!

A few more collages in extras for our record and for those interested.

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