
By samsticks

"Gate 3"

Today I took the car in for a service, meaning that I was back on public transport. Thankfully nothing needed doing and the mechanic said that we had a great car! Not often you hear that from a mechanic...

Right next to the garage was a huge building site, where they're converting an old building into a huge apartment complex. I say "converting", but I actually mean that they've demolished everything except for the facade, and there's a few massive cranes there. An awful lot of this 'rejuvenation' is going on around Melbourne. I think that it's a huge shame, as often the older buildings with more character are being replaced by glass and steel, and often the new builds aren't very well designed or built. I hope that when Gina and I finally manage to buy somewhere, we'll manage to save an old house from being tranformed into soulless townhouses.

Today's blip is one of the gates to this building site... the number of signs and warnings is testament to the size of the place! I have no idea why, but something in the light makes this look painted... maybe it's the uneven green coat on the iron gate, or the light from the street lamp?

There was an amazing sunset this evening too, and I actually nearly blipped that, seeing as I've not had much colour in my blips recently. However, I've decided to leave the sky to MrRosewarne for this evening. It's in capable hands!

I'll probably wake up tomorrow and regret that decision, but I now have a good spot for skies close to work!

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