'Courting' Kereru

After three years of avoiding Covid, a remarkable feat for a teacher, daughter C is unwell and her RAT test was positive. Both her sons (Mr H and Young L) have tested negative so far. S and I went to a pharmacy and bought various remedies; some to treat symptoms (such as sore throat), and some supplements which may boost her defences against the virus.

Due to some disorganisation on my part, I neglected to leave one bag of essential supplies with her. Only realised when back at Woodlands Park. So another trip was needed. 

This meant a late lunch, which morphed into afternoon tea, when S' Melbourne-based brother and wife came to visit. They are here for a week or two. A pleasant afternoon, at the end of which I had an easy jog. 

As I arrived back I heard the unmistakable sound of Kereru fluttering in trees in front of the house. I'm pleased with the photo I managed to get against a grey sky in low late afternoon light.

Initially there were two Kereru fluttering from branch to branch. Then, this one flew overhead and away, while the other continued intermittently and noisily moving in the high foliage. Until that time it seemed very much that a ritual was being enacted

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