On our train!

Busy day - i had to go to a personal (OK hair) appointment but got to the production office for my first zoom meet at 10.  Stuck up there on zooms until lunch when i went down to eat and Daisy and I whizzed through our train set.  See above for a sneaky peek.  What makes it clear it’s a set not a real train ? Daisy’s look of delight and the sight of the wind machine that subs for real wind for a story-point broken window.  Looking good. 

Went over to the other set in the afternoon (we’re double banking this week so running two separate crews and sets -  busy) and enjoyed that everyone wrapped on time.  I wandered back to my apart-hotel via John Lewis to buy a feather pillow because the pillows in Adagio are like a bag of bricks and there is no point in suffering unnecessarily.  Plus I could do with a new soft pillow at home. 

I grabbed a pizza at the Merchant City branch of Paesano.  Great pizzas,  big queue but they made room for a single at the bar so I sat there with my book Trespasses by Louise Kennedy.  . 

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