Bumper Memories

10 minutes before I had a meeting I realised I had said meeting, argh!! I rushed home to log in! A brilliant meeting coming up with fundraising strategies and ideas for the charity. I feel a lot of work coming up in the future, but it's necessary to keep the work going. The UK 3 were all enthusiastic and on board, so that helps. 
Today was podcast chat #1, we've called it Deep Dive Discussions at the moment. Today's topic - failure. An afternoon of stimulation and excellent conversation. 
Tonight Susanna took Sara and myself out for dinner! An utterly gorgeous evening with 2 powerhouse women. More soul conversations and very good food.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A little bit of rain - not much, but a bit. The smell in the air is glorious.
2) Making it to the meeting on time, just!
3) This little reminder of Mitch. Still very much in our daily thoughts and conversation. Danny sees him weekly when he goes into prison. Hopefully not too much longer left to serve. 

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