The Gremlin...
...not Brené Brown, ha! She describes shame that way in this clip I've been watching.
A day of landing back into life and getting ready for dinner and discussion with 24-7. I cooked a Roma recipe Sole sent me. Tracy Heasley is here for the week, so she came over early for a catch up and to help me cook.
I'm prepping for my first podcast group tomorrow, we're looking at failure. Hoping it'll feel a bit like a book club, but the idea is to discuss podcasts, articles, issues and to learn from each other. It'll be a little but varied group of people. I'm enjoying thinking about failure and what has come out of my own personal failures. I made a list of failings from my life and what they taught me or led to, quite a strangely enjoyable thing to do.
Today I'm grateful for;
1) Big hugs with the kids this morning. They were asleep when I got home last night.
2) Time with Tracy this evening.
3) Failure being something that can be productive.
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