Welsh Poppies

Neil invited me to go for lunch with him so this afternoon we went to Zizzi in the Metrocentre. We both had chicken and prosciutto salad.  Neil had a hanging skewer of prawns as well.  ( See Extra shot ).  We had a good catch up.  Football was mentioned.

Neil set off to walk home and I went to WH Smith to collect a parcel from one of the lockers there. What should have been a simple procedure was anything but.

I scanned the QR code on my phone and the door of a small locker flew open.  Then I tried to get my parcel out.  It contained a pair of shoes.  No idea how anyone had got the parcel into the locker because it just wouldn't come out.  I pulled and tugged and tried to move the parcel into a different position but it was totally  jammed.  More pulling and twisting. I was getting desperate. Two members of staff came over to help.  Both of them tried numerous times with no luck.  By this time the plastic wrapper was torn and the shoes were on view.  There was no room to even try and get each shoe out separately.  Thankfully after the 3 of us tried a few times more eventually the parcel  came out.  However the heels of the shoes are now scuffed and a bit of the sole of one of them has come loose.  Not too noticeable but its a shame as when they were posted they were obviously perfect.  I will contact the seller and advise.  A complaint should possibly be made to InPost who  run the parcel locker service.

After doing a bit of food shopping I got the bus home.  15 mins late -- with the next bus right behind it. 

Took my blip shot in the back garden at around 6.15pm.  It was still sunny and the Welsh poppies were still fully open.  Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

Steps today - 7,811

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