Early morning sunshine

I didn't go for my walk until 8am today because we didn't go to bed last night until 1.30am, so we were having a lie in. Recently we've been going out around 7am-ish because Ann doesn't want to waste a minute of this lovely sunshine.

Look how sunny it was down on Porthminster Beach this morning. We tend to walk along all of the beaches so that Ann can check out the best one for sea swimming.

Today she said, 'Trixie, the tide is going out so I'm going to come back here (after your afternoon walk) about 4pm-ish, when the tide is coming in and have a lovely sea swim in the sunshine.

Best laid plans and all that.............................

Ann spent the morning putting up even more solar powered lights, who does she think she is?  Blackpool illuminations? writing her book, 'My life in lockdown', and just generally sunbathing on our very sunny sun terrace. 

Unfortunately by 3pm, when I went out for my afternoon walk, it was very cloudy, windy, and the sea on all of the beaches (apart from the harbour beach) was very choppy, so no, Ann hasn't done any sea swimming today.

It's so, so annoying for my human. We often see people swimming first thing in the morning, but the lifeguards don't man the beaches until 10am and Ann doesn't really think that she should go into the sea without someone keeping an eye on her. Life would be so much simpler if she could tie in the early morning dog walk, with an early morning swim. She's pretty sure if she just left me on the beach whilst she swam for 20-30 mins, I'd be happy to just potter around and do my own thing. She thinks that I would just faff around by the edge of the water because I always like to know where Ann is. There again, Ann would still have to keep an eye on me at all times, so wouldn't be able to concentrate on her swimming. And if I had a poo, she'd have to come out of the water to pick it up. Lol!

Tomorrow will be better....................... Our weather app is full of little sunny day symbols, so my human's plan for tomorrow morning is................. dog walk, Zumba, sea swim. Yay!

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