Taking in the air

Today it has been lovely and sunny albeit a little bit windy. Ann was working 9.30-1.30 this morning so we got up at 7am and I went for my walk through the grounds of the 'Astley Ainslie Hospital'. That was a bit boring because I had to stay on my lead and I spotted loads of baby squirrels that needed chasing.

When we came back, I didn't want my breakfast. I just wanted to chillax on our balcony and take in the air. I've been lying out on the balcony quite a lot this week. Even though Ann's found it a bit too windy to sit out.......... because I'm lower down, I'm sheltered from the wind so I find it really rather pleasant. And as soon as she came home from work and opened the balcony door again, I went out there for a little chillax whilst she had lunch.

This afternoon we walked through the grounds of the 'Royal Edinburgh Hospital'. I like it there because there's a big field and a woodland walk and an orchard. And there's squirrels and bunnies. Unfortunately we don't see the bunnies in the afternoon because they only seem to be around first thing in the morning. But OMG; you wouldn't believe the number of squirrels that I had to chase this afternoon. And they were all baby ones so they were super speedy. And I didn't manage to catch any of them. Booohooo.

When I got home I went straight back out onto the balcony for another little snooze. Ann went off to do a 'Meet & Greet'. She was only out for an hour and she wondered about just letting me stay on the balcony whilst she was out because I seemed so happy there. Obviously I'm not silly enough to jump over the balcony walls but due to Ann doing a H&S risk assessment she decided I'd be better off 'home alone' in the kitchen until she came home. Booo hoooo

Ann's home now and I'm back out on the balcony, just chillaxing and taking in the air. Unfortunately it's still a bit too windy out here for my human to sit outside with me and drink wine. Boooooohoooo.

I LOVE lying on the balcony and taking in the air.

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