A possible project

I do like the random way in which connections are made sometimes - in this case, a mix of analogue and digital that may lead to a little bit of photographic project work over the next few months.
Recently someone sent me a Facebook message out of the blue, to ask if I'd be interested in taking some photos at a local Victorian cemetery.  A 'friends of the cemetery' group is doing some clearing and restoration work there, and would like to document the transition. It turns out that this person had seen a nature photo of mine in the local paper, which has a weekly "readers' photos" feature. He'd then seen my details come up on Facebook (neither of us could work how how this algorithmic connection came about).  So he thought I might be interested, and might also be able to make some useful images for the group's web page and other publicity initiatives.
This afternoon he showed me round Loxley Cemetery, on a hilly site on the northern/north-western edge of Sheffield. Like all old cemeteries, this one has some gravestones that are of historical interest: some, for instance, marking the graves of some of the people who died in the Great Sheffield Flood of 1864. There's also a large ruined chapel. The group has some interesting plans, including some thoughts about keeping the whole site biodiverse and wildlife-friendly.
So we'll see... plenty to think about, and nice to have the prospect of doing something useful for a local community group. We did a rather speedy walk around the place today, so the image is of the least old part of the site, rather than the more interesting, older parts. We were too busy chatting, during the first part of the visit, for me to use the camera. More to follow, sometime.

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