Deer Day

The forecast for today was not very promising. It started sunny and finished the same way, but in between it looked overcast with a stiff northerly breeze. I contemplated the unthinkable: going out without my camera (still having my phone). It seemed like it would be one of those days where bird / wildlife photography would not be a likely option. I looked out of the kitchen window  and spotted a mother and baby Muntjac on the lawn and took this as a sign (early blip in the bag), although the through-the-window shot was not as sharp as an outdoor version would have been.
Not such a bad decision. The birds were definitely not posing, although I did manage 5 year ticks - Swift, House Martin, Cetti"s Warbler, Marsh Harrier and Kingfisher. My only other wildlife photo opps for the day that were missed were 2 more Muntjacs (and possibly a Brown Hare)!

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