'No mow May'

Have any of you lovely Blippers heard of 'no mow May'?

Yesterday Ann was having a rant to her friend, Angela, about how the grass in MY field hadn't been cut for a couple of weeks. She also noticed that the communal grass around some of the council houses in town were looking decidedly overgrown. She assumed it was because we have had a lot of rain and the grass was too wet to cut. Angela said that maybe the council were doing 'no mow May'.

Apparently 'no mow May' is a campaign which was launched in 2019 by the botanical charity 'Plantlife'. It encourages gardeners not to mow their lawn during the month of May. This is to let wild flowers bloom (there's a lot of daisy's in my field) and provide a nectar feast for pollinators such as honeybees, bumblebees and solitary bees, butterflies and moths and beetles.

That all makes sense, but the thing is, the grass in my field is getting quite long now. When I play with my ball I have to keep a really close eye on it because if I don't see where it lands, it's very difficult to find it. And it's still another two and a half weeks till the end of May. The grass is going to be mega long by then, so surely it's going to be really difficult to cut.

Anyway, Ann had never heard of 'no mow May'. Angela said there had been a lot of coverage on the TV about it, but there again, Angela watches wildlife and gardening programmes. My human isn't very cultured so she watches soaps. Lol! If Ann was a moany person who complained to the council about every little thing instead of ranting on Blip then she would have emailed them by now and demanded to know why the grass hadn't been cut. Then she would have felt very stupid when they told her they were doing 'no mow May'.

Maybe the council are not doing 'no mow May' and are just not cutting the grass because it's been very wet. Who knows?

We'll keep an eye on it and report back once it's been cut again.

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