Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A walk in the green

After lunch we walked up on to the mountain behind Tate’s home. I can tell you I definitely have not been using my mountain legs! Jerry made the climb slowly and steadily and did well. We are so happy the knee held up as this was the steepest walk he has tried.

The forest was so very green. So much rain here has made everything lush. The trail was so grown over with mayapples, sweet cicely, wild yam, nettle and other things. Imagine my surprise when Tate pointed out American Ginseng…a rare sight! I had to run the photo through the Seek app to verify. And it was. I probably will not be able to find it again though as there is so much other stuff growing around it. Also saw the first elderberry flowers.

We had splendid weather today with perfect temperatures! It might thunderstorm tomorrow so glad I was able to get some forest therapy today.

Hope the weekend is perfect for you, Blippers!

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