A Mere

These two ladies are resting on the side of an area, Abbey Fields, next to Kenilworth Castle.  Just visible through the trees is part of the Mere, a water feature created to block siege engines' access to the walls of the castle – by some Henry or other.  Part of the castle is in the Extra.

I had no idea that Kenilworth was such an interesting place; we chose it as it was about an hour along our route home from Grantham, easy to get to after the wake today, but eating up some of the miles for tomorrow.

The funeral, in a small church next to my friend's home, went "well".  I read Ecclesiastes 3:1–8, A Time for Everything, with only a few pauses to gather myself.  The vicar had never met my friend, but knew him well from many discussions by email – Parish Council business – and delivered a generous and thoughtful service.  

I haven't been to any funerals for several years, but it's two so far this year.  I have a feeling that they multiply with age . . .

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