Another Azalea Bush

We were up early to make the best use of a perfect spring day. The guy stopped by first thing this morning and got our underground sprinkler system ready for the warm weather. Glad to get that done. I was supposed to help my sister and BIL plant our mother’s flower garden and tidy her house. After yesterday, my sister insisted I stay home and catch up. Hubby spent the morning putting mulch in flower gardens. That finishing touch really is appealing. I did three loads of laundry, wrote my Mother’s Day and birthday cards, created our WV grocery lists, packed, gathered our non-perishables, etc. Getting all those crucial jobs done really removes the stress of planning to be away from home. We certainly will not leave until after the funeral though. When I went out to check on the sprinkler, I decided these blossoms had to be today’s blip. I have many flowers blooming at the moment. So different than just a few months ago when everything looked dead. They make me smile. I put together a “honey do” list for hubby after his nap. Thankfully he enjoys shopping and running errands. I’ll finish laundry and nap while he is gone. Dinner is cooked so tonight will be easy. I have added an extra. Tonight is Skylar’s senior prom. They called to say I should come take pictures after I had published my blip. I think they look adorable. Thanks so much for your kind words, hearts and stars. We are all born to die; it is just sad to know how lonely her only child will be without her. They have always lived together. Stay safe; have a pleasant weekend. “Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.” - VIRGIL A. KRAFT

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