the blink of an eye

By weedave

another 48 hours

this is a back blip for the reasons I am about to explain

what day is it ? oh Thursday.... ok where to begin, probably Wednesday morning would be good as any

woke up feeling positive , what with my mum being home and the sun was out , went and did a small job for one of my pals , then home , did a bit of tidying , kids came home and took them and my friend K and her son climbing at TCA
after a great session came back and helped K's hubby fix his lawn mower
got in about 9.30
shortly after the phone goes.. it is my dad ... my mum is being violently sick again....I rush over

I will not go into the details but needless to say the next 11 hours were spent calling doctors, ambulances ,answering questions and going to hospital

on my return to the house I was into my second wind so decided to start decorating, so stripped some damaged wall paper of the hall and fitted new stuff ( well nearly all as made an arse of cutting one bit so ran out of paper ...well I WAS tired !!).... also gave down stairs loo a coat of emulsion

this shot was taken shortly before going to bed at about 3.30pm ... yup willow got it again


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