the blink of an eye

By weedave

48 hours

for those of you who know me and follow my "blip" you will know that of late I have had a hectic time what with ailing parents , sick kids work and scouting commitments ( not to mention blip and flickr)... but life had eased into a routine and all was rosie
After the terrible weather on Saturday I had dived through to Edinburgh ( with ewan) to do a quick job... returning via the krispy krème doughnut place at Hermiston gate.... 24 various doughnuts duly bought ..mmmm..needless to say there were a couple missing by the time we got home

I wont go into the rest of the day as I did take pics and will be back blipping them
6:30pm approx
I had invited friends down and the barby was in full flow cooking sausages
the phone goes
it is the carers that pop into check my parents are eating dinner
my mother has severe stomach pains and is being violently ill
I rush over , calling a doctor on the way
doctor arrived ..called ambulance
went to hospital ( got there before ambulance )
waited an eternity
1 am approx.
mother finally gets to surgical ward
2: 40 am
mother gets tube fitted though nose to stomach to drain contents and prevent wreching

3 am
we have a brutally honest discussion with the surgical registrar in which she
outlines the major surgery she feels my mother need to possibly save her life as the think part if not all her bowel has died , the prognosis was NOT GOOD
I decided I would call my sister and tell her to come in ( yes I had contacted her already !!!) I had to go back to the van as phone was nearly out of charge .... all exits close to the van were locked so wandered till found a way out
called her and told her the news and she was coming in..
by the time I got back to the ward I found my mother sitting up in bed quite the thing chatting to all the staff...
." there has been a development " she says
"what" says I
"I'm not going to surgery...I feel a lot better "
text sister ...told her the complete change of plan !!!!

here we are on Tuesday night less than 48 hours from being told she was dying and my mother is home albeit weak and covered in needle holes ..but home
what was one really knows for certain !!!!

ah you never know the minute ...... on a lighter note the sausages were fab ( had them at 5am Monday morning)

this is a pic of willow our cat sunning her self.... taken whilst waiting for a call to go get my mum

needless to say will try catching up later tonight/rest of week


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