The School Bus

A minimally productive day. 

The window cleaning team, two twenty somethings, came and did the inside of the windows. A job that doesn’t get done often as I don’t find standing on steps, looking up and waving my dodgy shoulder joint about very easy these days. They did a great job and I was safe!!! 

Trip to the charity shop was cancelled, not accepting today, the waste recycling centre was closed so no visitors, the rubbish stays in the garage. Other jobs were a drag and I was so tired that I had two naps during the day. 

The most colourful sight of the day was the school bus dropping off the kids this afternoon. The bus picture wasn’t accepted as ‘invalid dimensions’ so I’ve posted a boat instead, hope that it’s accepted, it wasn’t. What a faff!! I’m back to the bus and it has worked. This is typical of today’s events!!!! 

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