rockstar Isaac

Something about this pose made me think of 90s indie bands. But I do hope he swerves the life of a rock star, I’m yet to see a biopic that makes me think it’s worth it!

Eve’s birthday spends were burning a hole in her pocket so we headed off in search of new short dungarees (found some) and she also bought jeans (big news - she’s refused them since toddlerhood) and a really pretty green top. I enjoyed searching for clothes with her (it’s not always straightforward)!

Isaac has been desperate to see more of the new Top Gun so we whizzed through and found some good bits with jets for him to watch. I’m pleased by his taste in films.

We rounded off the bank holiday with a roast dinner- I ate my own body weight in roast potatoes and lived to regret my decision.


1. Shopping with Miss Eve;
2. Zeke’s delight with a car picnic;
3. Ant fetching pain au chocolat this morning.

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