sunny Sunday

A day of encouragement. The morning was spent at church, the afternoon on the swimming pool balcony watching all three children do their swimming lessons and then in the park with N, G and Auntie L. The kids raced round on scooters and were very excited when Grandad suggested he and Nanny might join in the race with the wheelchair. Lucky for Nanny he didn’t come good on that one.

Antony and Eve did sterling work to produce delicious pizzas in the garden on the cadac whilst I repotted plants and tidied up some of the beds. We all watched the coronation concert, after which Isaac was highly energised. It took a long old time to get him to agree to sleep.


1. Time together in the park;
2. Auntie Loz making the absolute cutest graduation treats I’ve ever seen;
3. Psalm 23.

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