Shut the Box

A traditional game of counting, addition, and probability. Shut-the-Box dates as far back as the 12th century when this game was enjoyed by Norman fishermen after a long day at sea.

It's very easy to play either on your own or with several players each taking a turn, the person with the least score is the winner, or if you get all of the numbers its a Shut-the-Box moment and you win outright.

There's a thunder and lightning storm just passed over but I think we will be getting more through the night, so I'll get this blip before I lose electricity.

Heading to bed early, not to sleep, to lie and read with my long hot water bottle, the pain has zapped my energy and I'm aching all over.  I think Im getting used to the tablets because the nerve pain is throbbing down my leg and thighs, I can up the dose a little further yet but I'll try to resist for as long as i can, so bed is the most comfortable, for a while at least. 

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