Colin Stetton

One relatively harmless preference of mine is a dislike for the sound of the saxophone. Sometimes, if I have cause to mention this, I will preface my opinion as to the merits of the saxophone by stating that I know this is an unpopular position to hold but that it is one that I believe doesn't require discussion.

Nevertheless, people - mostly men, tbh - will usually then proceed to tell me why I'm wrong.

When we were chatting in the studio on Saturday, Yoss mentioned that Colin Stetton would be playing The Blues Kitchen on Monday. Just him, Colin, and his saxophone. Since Yoss is fully cognisant of my feelings towards the instrument, I assumed he was just pushing my buttons.

But then he played me some of Stetton's work and I was intrigued, to the extent that yesterday I bought tickets for the Minx and myself.

I told Yoss we'd got tickets, he bought one, too, and so, this evening, the three of us, having had dinner at Café Istanbul, delivered ourselves to The Blues Kitchen at seven-thirty.

It transpired that Stetton wasn't on until nine-fifteen, but, happily, my guitar teacher, Paolo, has a Monday night residency at The Blues Kitchen, so we were able to go enjoy his first set, and then a chat with him. And then it was time for Colin Stretton.

And he was great. I'm glad Yoss told me about him and that we all went along. The sound was both fascinating and entertaining, and Stetton's technical ability, which I assume includes circular breathing, was stunning, It really could not have been more different from what you'd expect when going to see one man playing a saxophone.


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