Life's not fair....

It's not really very fair that this blip is Daisy today, but I haven't been allowed to taken any pictures of her recently.

Today we had a gardening day. When I say "we", I mean me and Will. We weeded and tidied. Then we went to the nursery to buy new plants - to be fair Daisy did come, mainly because she wanted new shorts from Asda next door. Will bounced from plant to plant saying we needed them all, I think in retrospect I gave him far to much a free rein, we now own some very odd baby plants. Daisy, when encouraged, said "these ones are fine"

We got home. Will helped by carry the plants in, tripping over the curb and cutting his knee in the process. Then he dug holes everywhere, planted all the new plants, chatting constantly,happily trampling all over all the other plants. He was very happy. When I asked her, Daisy put her plants in this pot and went back in the house .

But, life's not fair in the world of blipping, I love this of Daisy.

Ohhh, is there anything not to like in this weather? I am hunting the house at the moment for things to wash, I am so far ahead of the laundry thing. AND, Bank Holiday Monday!!!

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