cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"the weather is sweet"

This is more like it!!!! :)

After a crazy few days of winter style gale force winds, where has this weather come from??!!

Proper blue sky, sunshine weather is all it takes sometimes to make us feel better - especially when we've been having november like weather in the month of May!! Clearly the British weather missed the memo that it's time for summer already!

Ah well, days like this you need to make the most of it so I was straight out of the office and ended up on a park bench, book in hand, sunglasses on, enjoying the last of the evening sunshine!

It's maybe a little premature to say that summer has finally arrived when you hear the weather presenter talking about a frost for some parts of the UK tonight.... I give up trying to understand our weather! Winter woolies all year long at this rate! :(

# Sun is Shining - Bob Marley #

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