Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Under Canvas

Trip to Sainsbury's this morning to get the food shop done as the voucher was going to run out. Managed to get back in time for the qualifying and some lunch.
This week's word is CANVAS. I have had in mind a photo like this all week. So Thursday I went out to Tiso and bought a new tent.
This afternoon me and J headed over to Glencoe to see what locations could be found. This was the first one I tried. I planned to go back later in the day to get a sunset shot but the clouds came over.
Speaking with a fellow blipper, he planned to go out this year and get some sunrise shots, hence the tent. Plan is to camp at the location to get more sleep. Setup the night before. Get up early to take some photos before going back to sleep for a few hours. At least this way you don't have to get up any earlier and drive to the location.
On the way back we went to have a look at Glen Etive. Found a few deer on the side of the road and also a lot of camper. Seems this road is the place to go wild camping.

This will be my entry into the challenge this week for CANVAS.

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