A gardening day
Running out of space in the greenhouse so had to do a bit of jiggling to accommodate the new sowings of sweetcorn, runner beans, French beans.
Down to walk Indie, Mum rang Kevin while I was out, he arrived to cut the lawns just after I arrived back. I staked the clematis, moved a few planters away from the bungalow, & empty the pots where plants had'nt made it through winter.
Home for lunch, then I brought my canna, justicia, & ginger plants out of hibernation, potted on & topped up with fresh compost. Still a tad early to leave outside but another job done.
Hubby's eldest daughter, Tanya, arrived with her partner Ian. A lovely surprise visit.
It's a good year for wild flowers on the heath, the violets, & primrose feel like they've been about for ages, & today I came across a large swath of lousewort. This patch was growing on a raised mound in a boggy bit with some lovely patches of sphagnum moss.
Thank you for all your lovely comments, stars & hearts. X
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