And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Made up....

Hello my lovelies :) im made up today got a few good walks in 2 of them I did on my own im so proud of myself :) one of them I walked up to Stepney hill farm all up hill too. Thats another fear of mine walking up hill as when I get out of breath it remind's me of having panic attacks in the past, but guess what I didn't get out of breath hahahahaha I'm so pleased with myself im getting fitter :)

I walked up to get some chicken and things for tea, dave cooked a mean meal and a gorgeous pud :) tarte au citron. to die for :P

I went to meet mum too today she said she didnt know it was me till she saw Ash as my legs have slimmed down so much :) so another little bonus :)

Its been a good but long day and my mood rating today is 2= happy

love c x x x

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