And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Mambo italiano...

Hey guys hope your all well, its another cold grey day in Scarborough....

Had a funny night last night, well it was 2am and we heard Ash crying in the lounge and getting all excited we first thought he was dreaming or Danny must be coming in. We then heard a big bang! something fell off Dave jumped up and put his jeans on and flew in the lounge, followed cautiously by me. Its a cat he says then I saw him a little black and white cat lol it was so bizarre and Ash was very bamboozled.... Its was so tame and followed Dave out side with no bother. There were 2 cat flaps in the property when we moved in one in the outer and one in the inner door I clearly remember locking them as when it got windy they banged a little bit. Anyway Dave checked and they were both open very strange. Ash normally sleeps in are room so we would have been none the wiser if he did last night. I wonder how long the cat has been sleeping in the lounge.

Had a day in town and a lovely lunch out we was coat hunting I couldn't get one to fit either 2 big or 2 small :( will have to keep looking as all my coats are too big now.

Curry for tea yum yum :) have a great weekend.

love c xxx

mood rating 4 :)

ps dont you think I was brave getting this shot :) xxx

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