Went to bridge this morning. It felt very rushed and I didn’t enjoy it as much as usual . Did meet a very friendly woman who took my number and is going to invite me to play at her house occasionally. I thought i had met everyone who goes there but she usually plays elsewhere and had only come to support a friend. Nice when you meet other people unexpectedly who you think you will get on with.
Phoned all the food bank clients on my list in the afternoon . Very frustrating as I only got two responses in the first round but eventually i got to 8 out of 13 which isn’t too bad. Did more planting and outside jobs inbetween the phone calls. Really like how the bed around my statue is turning out .
Grabbed some supper and then had two online Foodbank meetings . One was a bit tense and rather frustrating, but i felt i was the only one who was challenging any of the assertions etc. i was congratulated afterwards for the questions i asked, but that doesn’t stop me looking like the sole dissenter , and therefore the baddy

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