Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Ready, steady....when?

I had one of those rushing about days today. The day started with the excitement of going to Screwfix to pick up an order for the builder doing Ali and Stuart's extension. Well actually, it started at 1.30 am when I woke with a start and the realisation that Is missed an item off the order! Thank goodness for 24 hour on line ordering. I dropped the stuff off at Ali's and was pleased to find her there for lunch. We took Marvin out for a walk then she headed back to school. She's so lucky to live so close. I then drove my car to the Balgreen tram stop to head into John Lewis for my Clarins appointment - or that was the intention till I discovered I'd forgotten my bus pass. Change of plan, I drove home to pick up the pass and Colin then drove me to my appointment. I had my pass to come back home with though.
That's where my blip comes in. I hadn't realised that the York Place tram stop had moved to the north side of Picardy Place roundabout. It's not open yet, but it's good to see the road looking so clear for the first time in so many years.
After my appointment, and looking gorgeous, lol, I took the tram in the other direction to Haymarket. I do think there is too far between the Princes Street stop, at the Mound and the next at Coates/Atholl Crescent. I feel sorry for the tourists who believe the latter is actually at the West End. There is then hardly any distance between that so called West End stop and Haymarket.
I had gone to Haymarket to get my nails done so now I feel all ready for a break. Ali and Stuart are going to leave their building site and come and stay here while we are away which will be a change for them all. Josie is very at home here.
This evening I had the first pass at packing my case, plenty of weight allowance, I just have to decide what to take as my back up hand luggage bag and then do some reallocation of the contents. Phew.

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