Penicuik Town Hall

Today's the day ..................... for a potted history

A trip up to Edinburgh today for Will - and a chance to visit good friends John and Roma in Penicuik.

The fine building above is Penicuik Town Hall which was the initiative of the owner of the local papermaking business at Valleyfield Mills, Alexander Cowan.  He left money on his death in 1859, for the purpose of establishing an institution for the 'recreation and instruction' of the local community.  However, it was not until 1894 that the new building in the Renaissance Revival style and built in red sandstone at a cost of £5,000, was completed. The principal rooms inside were an assembly hall, a library, a gymnasium and a museum. The projecting clock was added in 1901.

It was used in a variety of ways over the years including as accommodation for young soldiers serving at the local Glencorse Barracks during both World Wars. Eventually, in 1959, the Trustees of the Institute sold the building to Penicuik Burgh Council and, after it had been treated for dry rot, it re-opened as the local Town Hall in 1963.  However, it ceased to be the local seat of government when Midlothian District Council was formed in 1975.

The building was subsequently used as the Registrar's Office and also as a venue for District Court hearings. After the Council indicated that the building might be surplus to its requirements, the Penicuik Community Development Trust was formed in March 2005 to ensure the building remained open and fully utilised. In late 2020, a programme of works was initiated to restore the outside of the building, to modernise the heating system and to install Wi-Fi equipment ...............

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