Day 1, Tirol

We delivered a great first day of the April residential module of our Talent Development Journey. I led the get to know each other and game changer sessions at the start, with a Paolo Nuttini track (an incredibly talented fellow Paisley buddy) as my wake-up music, played at full volume as they walked around in a mingling activity…link below!

I also hosted a panel session with former participants about how the current cohort can get the most out of the journey.

Then it was off to a tennis centre for team leadership and talent development experiential learning sessions delivered by one of my partners who developed them in cooperation with both Real Madrid and FC Barcelona and who usually runs them in those clubs actual dressing rooms and on their very pitches! The setting today was less grand but the experience still as vivid!

A gentle dinner when we put them into their quad groups…their first specific encounter. Tomorrow they do deeply personal rich introductions to establish a greater trusted connection for the projects they will do together.


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