
"Ogni angelo ha il suo lato spaventoso"

Very overcast here on Capri, not so warm, a little drizzly in places but a great day nonetheless.

Lovely alfresco breakfast in the courtyard of our hotel and then a walk up through the alleyways of town to a viewpoint, and then downhill to go and visit Certosa di San Giacomo, the ruins of an old monastery, complete with some Julian Schnabel artworks that give this blip it's title. Free today as well which we weren't expecting (national holiday here in Italy - 25th April is Liberation Day to commemorate the beginning of the end of fascism) and the whole experience was pretty terrific.

Back to base for a couple of hours late afternoon following a drinks and snacks stop overlooking the sea for some drawing and finishing off of my book (a re-read of The Virgin Suicides) and then out in the evening to a very lively and local-filled restaurant. Great pasta aumm aumm and a thick as mud espresso to finish. 9pm? Espresso? Don't feear the bean...I'll sleep just fine.

"Every angel has his terrifying side"

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