Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Meal Delivery

I think this makes a good follow up to yesterday's blip - here you have Mister with a nice snack for Missus while she keeps the eggs just the right temperature.  If you look closely you will see that he has two small larva in his beak - maybe lunch and desert?  Before he delivered the meal into the nest box, he sang a sweet song.  

I slept a little later than usual this morning and took my tea out to the deck where I was greeted with the bouncy song of a male House Wren, the first of the season.  Although they can be little bullies, they are a favorite with their complex songs and perky attitude.  I'm expecting to see my first hummingbird any day now as they usually arrive about the same time as the wrens.  

I met up with a friend for lunch today and we had a great time catching up.  She is also our attorney (wills and trusts) and I've known her for about 20 years.  

Jax and I took some time to play in the yard - he had some major zoomies and it was good for him to race full speed all around the lower yard.  Now he's sound asleep.  Kind of makes up for him stealing my socks this morning and refusing to give them up without a treat.  

All of the milkweed I moved last fall is coming up - very glad about that!  And a the pot of poke-milkweed that I cold-sewed over the winter is all up now too.  I am filling in some patchy spots in the garden with milkweed.  Actually, all of the seeds I cold sewed are coming up - anise hyssop, milkweed, echinacea, rudbeckia.  The germination was better than I expected so I will likely give some of the seedlings to friends who have pollinator gardens.  Oh, how I love springtime!

Dark with orange today.


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